Hetty Chang is an Emmy Award-winning reporter for NBC4. She covers stories across the Southland, with emphasis in the Orange County, Long Beach and South Bay communities. She can be seen weekdays on NBC4 during the 5 p.m., 6 p.m., 7 p.m., and 11 p.m. newscasts. Chang joined the station in 2013.
Chang, a Southern California native, is honored to report alongside the most respected journalists in the Southland. She returns to NBC4 after serving a digital media fellowship at the station through a pilot program between NBC4 and the Asian American Journalists Association in 2011. Under the fellowship, Chang worked closely with the station’s digital media team and gained valuable experience across multiple media platforms. Previously, Chang reported for the NBC stations in Reno and Las Vegas, and LA Cityview Channel 35.
An Emmy Award-winning journalist, Chang quickly gained the respect of her colleagues as a hard worker and tenacious reporter. She has covered a number of memorable stories that have garnered national attention. Most recently, she reported live from The 2018 Winter Olympics in PyeongChang, South Korea, providing around-the-clock reports for more than three weeks in the heart of Olympic Village. Chang held memorable interviews with several U.S. athletes, including figure skaters Nathan Chen, Mirai Nagasu and Adam Rippon as well as three-time Olympic champion snowboarder Shaun White.
Previously, she also provided in-depth coverage from Las Vegas of the worst mass shooting in modern history, the murder manhunt for ex-LAPD officer Christopher Dorner. She has also been recognized for her coverage of the OJ Simpson robbery case and her award-winning coverage of Nevada's hard-hit economy. Chang also conducted one of Barack Obama’s last interviews before he won the 2008 presidential election.
Chang is passionate about the diversity and culture in Southern California and believes that many of the most intriguing stories come out of such communities. She feels responsible for reporting timely and accurate news and is privileged to be in a position to deliver information that has an impact on viewers.
While she loves the adrenaline of breaking news, Chang has a passion for stories that tug at the heart strings. Some of her favorite pieces involve humble people who do great things for others and never seek attention for their kindness and generosity.
When not working, Chang enjoys spending time with family and friends, which usually includes eating a good meal. She is grateful to be back in Los Angeles after 10 years and values spending more time with her family who also lives in the area.
Chang is fluent in Mandarin and continues to improve her Spanish on the job. She is a member of the Asian American Journalists Association, a non-profit organization that encourages professionals to consider careers in journalism and news management.
Chang grew up in Cerritos, CA, and in 2018 was recognized by the City of Cerritos for her distinguished broadcasting career and contributions to the community.
She received her B.A. in Sociology and Asian American Studies from the University of California, Los Angeles.
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